Is choosing vulnerability a privilege?
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Is choosing vulnerability a privilege?

“Fundamentally, I don’t disagree with Brené Brown.

Practically speaking, however, the statement begs for more parsing.

The fact that someone has a right (or a need) does not equate to that right/need being fulfilled.

And typically, whether our rights are acknowledged, respected, and upheld is the result of how privilege shakes out.”

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Kundalini yoga as organized stimming
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Kundalini yoga as organized stimming

“When I consider the impact of all the masking I did as a female child with autism, I think about the compounded effect of suppressed speech, emotions, and behavior…“

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Laughing really loud
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Laughing really loud

“….when I noticed it happen more than once, I decided to double down instead of suppressing my impulse and masking. When something’s funny, that’s a gift.”

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My Child’s Undercoat
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My Child’s Undercoat

"Last night, even though I knew the answer already, I asked James what he thought about trimming 2-year-old Goldie’s hair in the back, since it’s very fine and gets tangled into a cotton candy nest daily..."

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Identifying Trauma
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Identifying Trauma

There are many types of trauma, and many of us don’t recognize what we’re experiencing as trauma until it’s pointed out to us (like a fish who doesn’t realize she’s in water).

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A table with 20 legs
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A table with 20 legs

We must become like tables with 20 legs - so when one of our practices inevitably fails us, disappears, or becomes inaccessible, we remain sturdy and standing.

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