Working 1:1

Are you a healer, changemaker, and/or leader? If yes, cool - me too (I identify as all three).

I see you. Here are 10 truths typical of people like us:

  1. We excel at caring for others.

  2. We have a deep need to facilitate healing in our world.

  3. We often operate at an energetic deficit.

  4. Most of use weren’t taught to care for ourselves like we care for others.

  5. If we don’t commit to caring for ourselves, it’s unlikely that anyone else will insist on it.

  6. Taking impeccable care of ourselves is a radical act that pairs well with support.

  7. Well-being underlies whatever ails or challenges us.

  8. Wellbeing and freedom are our birthrights and intrinsic states.

  9. It is possible to care and interact from a state of overflow ☕️.

  10. Our lights are so needed in this world.

Laser Coaching Calls

These are for clients who have already worked with me. You know the drill: you show up with a single area of focus and an openness for big change, and I hold the container and amplify your brilliance. Let’s make magic (again).

The Alchemy Package

This is for people ready for a big, beautiful change. Jump-start you evolving identity and establish sustainable, adaptable self-care practices with robust guidance.

1:1 sessions

I hold the space while you feel, process, move, explore, and dream. These can include grief & identity affirmation rituals, kundalini or hatha yoga, somatic healing, Higher/Essential Self & intuition work, habit & identity evolution coaching...or a combo. Returning clients, please schedule here. New clients, click below.

Alchemy Package FAQ

  • We’ll have an phone call. If I think I can help you and you decide to work with me, we'll establish whether to move forward with individually-scheduled healing sessions or intensive coaching.

    If you choose the Alchemy path, our initial session where to identify where your strengths lie, and where you are holding trauma & unprocessed grief/stress/negative beliefs about yourself in your mind and body.

    We’ll then collaborate on designing a 10-week coaching plan to help you clarify and align with your values, clear stuck energy, balance your nervous system, and develop rhythm in your life. This takes place in our 1:1 sessions, and through support in habit evolution between sessions.

    Your hands are on the wheel; your foot is on the breaks. Your foot is on the gas. It’s your evolution. It’s your healing - I’m here to amplify the process.

  • Intensive coaching packages include 10 weeks of support.

    Every other week, we’ll have a 1-hour session.

    This is a collaboration; your bandwidth & goals will determine how we proceed. I’ll provide small-and-mighty habit action items for you to implement between sessions. As someone deeply familiar with overwhelm, I coach with a focus on ‘underwhelm," and celebration of small wins. It works - small wins build sustainable habits. Sustainable habits are the foundation of an evolving identity.

    Action items can include guided meditations, breathwork, Ayurvedic lifestyle/food recommendations, micro-habits, journal prompts, & affirmations…my Mary Poppins bag is vast, but don’t worry! We’ll keep it accessible.

    Between sessions, we’ll stay in touch via WhatsApp voice memos. You're not too much - the more you share with me, the better I’ll be able to support you!

  • I work best with people who:

    - Are motivated and open to laughter, guidance & radical change

    -- Are willing to exchange trauma, relationship patterns, and limiting self-beliefs for new ways of doing and being

    -- Deeply value their wellbeing and health - and realize that when they thrive, the people closest to them benefit

  • This is transformative work. Creating change requires input. There are three buckets for investment: time, energy, & money. A willingness oto invest all three facilitates a significant return on investment.

    Time: In addition to our biweekly meetings, your evolution will benefit from creating space throughout our days for your action items. I can help with this.

    Energy: This looks like being willing to keep an open mind, try new things, and hold yourself accountable (with support).

    Money: $2000 (payment plans available at no extra charge)

  • If you’re feeling drawn towards working together, I invite you to explore where that shows up in your body. This is something we can explore on an initial call. I’m an amplifier - I can help you identify your next steps - whether it’s working with me, ‘putting a pin’ in our conversation and returning to it at a later time, or deciding that your resources would be better spent somewhere else.

I’m here to help you keep your light burning bright. My role as a coach is twofold:

  1. On a practical level, I help clients to develop skills, habits and mindsets that clap back 👏🏾 at burnout so they can stay in the game.

  2. I’m also a transformation doula - supporting healers in body, mind and spirit as they evolve into even more authentic, intuitive, brilliant versions of themselves is a calling I delight in answering.

Happy Clients

Adair is a gifted and talented healer and one of the most empathetic humans I know. She is a joy to be with. Her presence is an antidote for these wild and unnerving times. I recommend Adair to anyone In need of extra love, wisdom, health wellness tool for thriving, and care.
— Halli Faulkner, JD, MAEd, YACP - trauma-informed trainer & yoga therapist
Working with Adair has deepened my understanding of my physical and spiritual self. As a social worker and mentor, I am frequently navigating high stress situations. With Adair’s guidance and coaching, I have the tools to ground myself when everything feels chaotic. At the same time, she has provided me with the tools to nurture and empower myself. I have learned the importance of balancing the need to serve myself before I am able to serve others, and those lessons have all been rooted in joy and self-worth.
— Katie H.
It’s like spiritual skinny-dipping!
— Caitlin Cohn
I appreciated the chance to think without limit and let my mind go all over the place with possibilities.
— anonymous

Maybe you’re…

😬 white-knuckling through life & stuck in victim mode.

🔥 feeling stuck & hopeless as you look at the world around you.

🏔️ finding yourself drowning in trauma responses, unable to get your footing.

🌀 stuck in a shame spiral because you “know what you have to do” to feel better, but willpower’s not working.

💃🏽 already rocking it and want to test the limits and see just how wonderful life can be 🪩💅🏻.

If any of this ^ resonates, you’re not alone - and there’s nothing wrong with you. I’ve been in all of these states, and coaching has radically changed my life for the better.

Open to big change? I’m here for it. In 1:1 coaching, we co-create a powerful container for transformation.

Tap ye olde button down there to schedule your free15-minute strategy call. There’s no pressure to commit. If it’s a go, we’ll establish which is right for you: individual healing sessions or an intensive coaching package.